An in-progress animated short film about a young girl and her anxious cat as they explore a beach and its tidepools, meeting various inhabitants of the seaside. The story is built upon the themes of nostalgia, childlike wonder, and environmental preservation.
The very first inspirations for the film were created in 2020, as one-off illustrations.
From there, the episodic slice-of-life narrative developed. Through each interaction with the creatures of the sea, I made sure to focus on little Balu's respectful and unsqueamish attitude. Her cat companion, of course, is not always on the same page - more concerned with Balu's safety, she starts out highly suspicious of each critter they meet, but eventually learns to let loose as Balu's infectious joy and curiosity soothes her nerves.
Production has suffered from a laborious and inefficiently designed pipeline, a problem compounded by the issue of having a production crew of one :)
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