A hand-drawn 2D animated short film about a young woman who, upon failing to take proper care of herself, becomes subject to an unexpected intervention. The film was created over a 5-month period as a solo project, and I discuss my process below.
The project began with a single set of explorations, about a girl trying to coexist with the goblin that lives in her room (which happens to also be herself).
This sparked a moodboard, along with multiple 'mindmaps' in order to really understand the story and concept that I wanted to tell.
Below, some of first concept exploration images created for the film. These utilized images of a cardboard set, warped and treated, as the background.
Parallely, an animatic (followed by 13 more iterations!) was created.
A few edited frames from the animatic inspired the final look of the film...
...further refined through color iterations.
Production follows, and a film emerges!
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